Report filed by CPCB on M/s Platinum AAC Blocks Private Ltd., Daman & Diu, 16/07/2020
Counter affidavit filed before the National Green Tribunal (NGT) on behalf of the Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB) in the matter of M/s Platinum AAC Blocks Private Ltd. Vs The Pollution Control Committee & Others.
The report was dated July 16, 2020. The matter related to Platinuim AAC Blocks grievances regarding the directions issued to their unit by the PCC (DD&DNH). Also the PCC was not considering the unit's request to review closure order and not granting the permission for manufacturing of fly-ash bricks and blocks.

The CPCB report stated that based on the observations and calculations as per the 'Final Document on Revised Classification of Industrial Sectors under Red, Orange, Green and White categories' published by the CPCB on February 29, 2016 - during the visit to the unit by the Joint Committee comprising of CPCB and PCC officials, it was concluded that the "fly ash transprt and disposal facilities" falls under "Green Category" and "fly ash bricks/blocks manufacturing using fuel" was a new/left-out sector which could be categorised as "Green Category". The CPCB informed the Tribunal that M/s Platinum AAC Blocks Private Ltd. should obtain CTE (consent to establish) and CTO (consent to operate) from PCC to establish and operate the unit.
The CPCB stated that in order to harmonize the 'criteria of categorization', directions were issued by the CPCB under section 18 (1) (b) of the Water (Prevention & Control of Pollution) Act, 1974 and Air (Prevention & Control of Pollution) Act 1981 to all SPCBs/PCCs dated March 7, 2016 to maintain uniformity in categorization of industries as Red, Orange, Green and White as per the list finalized by the CPCB and reminders sent. Around twelve reminders were sent to PCC, DD&DNH, but the PCC was still in the proces of categorization of industrial sectors as per CPCB's 'Final Document on Revised Classification of Industrial Sector under Red, Orange, Green and While categories".