GOM reviews containment measures of COVID-19
The 16th meeting of the high-level Group of Ministers (GoM) on COVID-19 was chaired by Dr. Harsh Vardhan, Union Minister of Health & Family Welfare via a video-conference on 09 June, 2020. The GOM was briefed about the latest status, response and management of COVID-19 in the country. A brief snapshot was presented to the GOM highlighting the comparative position of India vis-a-vis other countries in similar stage of easing lockdown, underscoring the benefits that have accrued from the lockdown and how this can be leveraged in management of disease. The GOM was briefed on the progress made in the spheres of the tasks assigned to the 11 Empowered Groups. The GoM was briefed about how the SoPs issued by the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare for public and semi-public environments would allow resumption of economic activity without compromising the preventive measures to contain COVID-19. GoM was also apprised about the growing medical infrastructure in the country and was informed that as of 9th June 2020, the COVID related health infrastructure has been strengthened with the availability of 958 dedicated COVID Hospitals with 1,67,883 isolation beds, 21,614 ICU beds and 73,469 oxygen supported beds. 2,313 dedicated COVID Health Centres with 1,33,037 Isolation beds; 10,748 ICU beds and 46,635 oxygen supported beds have also been operationalised. Moreover, 7,525 COVID Care Centres with 7,10,642 beds are now available to combat COVID-19 in the country. The ventilators available for COVID beds are 21,494.

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