Order of the National Green Tribunal regarding dumping of waste by M/s Suryamba Company at Vivekanand Nagar, district Nagpur, Maharashtra, 12/05/2020
Order of the National Green Tribunal in the matter of Shravan Kumar Singh Vs State of Maharashtra dated 12/05/2020. Grievance in the application was against dumping of waste by M/s Suryamba Company at Vivekanand Nagar, district Nagpur.
The Maharashtra Pollution Control Board (MPCB) submitted a factual and action taken report to the NGT on the matter. The MPCB visited the site on December 5, 2019. During inspection, the representative of the industry informed the SPCB that treatment facility i.e. settling tanks and sludge drying bed for effluent generated from humidifier and treated effluent would be taken into proposed new sewage treatment plant for further treatment. And the work of the treatment facility was in progress. A sewage treatment plant of capacity 115 CMD for household and industry treated sewage would be utilised within the factory premises for plantation.

Disposed 200 kgs of oil contaminated soil at Common Hazardous Waste Treatment, Storage and Disposal Facility (CHWTSDF), Butibori, district Nagpur on December 3, 2020. The industry also submitted bank guaranteee of Rs. 10 lakhs valid up to September 10, 2020.
The MPCB carried out a visit on December 5, 2019 to the field of the complainant (Shravan Kumar Singh) alongwith representative of the industry and it was observed that there was no discharge of any liquid waste from industry in the field. Further, the construction debris of the industry has been collected from the field and the remaining waste of “fibre waste and construction waste will be lifted after harvesting of standing crop of cotton, which is agreed by the complainant during visit.”
During the hearing, the State PCB informed the Tribunal that the remedial actions has been completed by the industry. To this, the NGT directed for the submission of an affidavit on the matter within a month and disposed of the case.