Buildings & Energy: A brochure of the ÖGNI working group
This brochure offers decision-makers in the real estate and energy industries, as well as urban and municipal developers, a broad overview of the topics of decentralised energy generation and supply, and raises awareness of the goal of decarbonisation by 2050 at the latest. The advancing digitalization in the construction and building sector is already contributing to significant changes. Energy management is becoming a central issue. As an integrative component of building automation, it contributes to increasing energy efficiency and using renewable energies more efficiently. Active energy services can be realized, for example, through additional storage options in the building. If such a building acts as a grid-supported storage facility, it actively contributes to relieving the load on the electricity grid. A suitable management of consumers, electricity storage facilities, generation plants and charging stations is essential, however. A platform is needed that connects, measures and controls all devices in order to generate the ideal energy flow and also distribute surplus energy in a sensible manner. The ÖGNI – Austrian Sustainable Building Council – is an NGO (non-governmental organization) for the establishment of sustainability in the construction and real estate industry. The ÖGNI's work focuses on the certification of sustainable buildings – Blue Buildings.