Question raised in Lok Sabha on impact of Plastic waste on animals, 13/03/2020
There is no statistics in the Ministry of Fisheries, Animal Husbandry & Dairyingrelating to death of cows due to consumption of plastic waste. However, Government of India is providing grant-in-aid to animal welfare organizations in the country through the Animal Welfare Board of India for construction of shelters for looking after such animals. The grant-in-aid is provided mainly to gaushalas for construction of shelter, dispensary, compound wall, water facilities, drains and other miscellaneous work. Ministry has taken several measures for the management of plastic waste. Considering the high environmental cost associated with the use of single-use plastic, particularly the adverse effect on soil, water bodies and on marine environment, Hon’ble Prime Minister has announced India’s pledge to phase out Single-use plastic by 2022. Many States/UTs through their own notifications have also imposed partial or complete prohibition on the use of plastic carry bags/single use plastic. 23 States and 9 UTs have issued notifications/orders introducing regulations pertaining to complete ban on plastic carry bags and/or other single-use plastic items.