Order of the National Green Tribunal regarding violation of environmental norms by Genus Paper and Board, Agwanpur, District Muradabad, Uttar Pradesh, 13/11/2019
Order of the National Green Tribunal in the matter of Adil Ansari Vs State of Uttar Pradesh & Others dated 13/11/2019 regarding illegal drawal of ground water and illegal discharge of effluents in Ganges and its tributaries by Genus Paper and Board, Agwanpur, District Moradabad, Uttar Pradesh. Grievance is also against emissions of gases in the environment and illegal expansion of the unit.

After considering the report furnished by the joint Committee representing CPCB, UPPCB and CGWB indicating violation of law in illegally extracting ground water and discharging polluted effluents and illegal discharge of hazardous waste, vide order dated 09.08.2019, the Tribunal directed acceptance of the recommendations and taking of follow up action by the State PCB for compliance as well as for recovery of compensation for illegal expansion and illegal drawal of ground water and also disposal of hazardous waste in violation of Hazardous and Other Wastes (Management and Transboundary Movement) Rules, 2016.
CGWB was also directed to monitor compliance of conditions particularly the condition with regard to recharge of ground water and file an affidavit about the mechanism for such compliance. No affidavit has been filed by CGWB but a report has been filed by State PCB to the effect that environmental compensation has been assessed for unauthorized expanded capacity, extraction of ground water and violation of Hazardous Waste Rules, 2016.
Further, the State PCB has stated that out of the two water borewells, the permission for one of the borewell from CGWA has expired but the water was still being illegally drawn only on the ground that application for renewal was pending.
The NGT orders that extraction of groundwater be stopped forthwith and action taken to ensure the compliance of Hazardous Waste Rules 2016 and other environmental norms in accordance with law.