Order of the National Green Tribunal regarding Mansi Ganga Kund pollution, Govardhan, Uttar Pradesh, 23/10/2019
Order of the National Green Tribunal in the matter of Giriraj Parikrama Sanrakshan Sansthan Vs State of Rajasthan & Others dated 23/10/2019 regarding discharge of sewage from the houses in the vicinity of Mansi Ganga Kund, Govardhan, Uttar Pradesh.The counsel for state of Uttar Pradesh has informed the Tribunal that the entire discharge of sewage from the houses in that area have been connected with a system leading to the sewage treatment plant (STP) which is functional near Radha Kund.
The NGT directed the Uttar Pradesh Pollution Control Board (UPPCB) to take samples from Mansi Ganga Kund and get it tested as to whether the water is potable, fit for beathing and meet the prescribed standards under law. The report has to be submitted within 10 days.
Meanwhile, the UPPCB has been instructed to ensure prevention of water pollution in Mansi Ganga Kund and take action against those discharging sewerage and dumping domestic waste in Mansi Ganga Kund. Further, the District Magistrate Bharatpur has been asked to file an affidavit detailing the points of compliance relating to the orders passed with respect to Swagat Dwar and removal of cement tiles, which had been laid down in the Parikarma Marg causing difficulty to the pilgrims to walk barefoot for a distance of 21 kms.