Order of the National Green Tribunal regarding polluting thermal power plants in Singrauli and Sonebhadra, 11/10/2019
Order of the National Green Tribunal in the matter of Anjani Jaiswal Vs Union of India & Others dated 11/10/2019 regarding thermal power stations operating in the Districts of Singrauli and Sonebhadra in the States of Madhya Pradesh and Uttar Pradesh causing damage to the environment.
Summary of the Case:
The National Green Tribunal (NGT) on October 11, 2019 directed the Uttar Pradesh Pollution Control Board (UPPCB) and the Madhya Pradesh Pollution Control Board (MPPCB) to recover environmental compensation from the polluting thermal power plants (TPP) and Northern Coalfields Limited (NCL) mining projects of Singrauli and Sonebhadra.
The Tribunal was hearing application filed against the polluting units for causing damage to the environment. The violation of environmental norms had resulted in damage to water bodies, including Rihand reservoir. Surface and underground water was also polluted, affecting rivers and streams.
Reports furnished by the MPPCB and the UPPCB had calculated the amount to be recovered from the industries. The MPPCB report refered to serious level of pollution prevailing in Singrauli area and constitution of a Committee to assess the quantum of compensation.
"As per the Environmental Compensation guidelines framed by CPCB the maximum environmental compensation is Rs. 30,000/- per day of non-compliance. The total amount of 56,08,50,000/- (fifty six crore eight lac fifty thousand rupees) may be imposed upon the 3 thermal power plant (TPP) and 8 Northern Coalfields Limited (NCL) mining project against the noncompliance of the major notification, direction & recommendations issued since 2014," the Committee had recommended.
Likewise the report furnished by the UPPCB has calculated the environmental compensation of 5 TPP and 5 (NCL) to be 23,14,80,000/- (twenty three crore fourteen lac eighty thousand rupees).
The NGT directed the MPPCB and UPPCB to proceed in accordance with law and recover the environmental compensation. The compensation recovered has to be deposited in the proportion of 60:40 with the CPCB and the State PCB and utilized for restoration of environment and public health.