Order of the National Green Tribunal regarding import of plastic waste for firing brick kilns, 06/09/2019
Order of the National Green Tribunal in the matter of Amit Jain Vs Union of India dated 06/09/2019 regarding cheap waste paper and the road sweep waste import for firing of brick kilns. According to the applicant, 900,000 tons of waste is imported which is hazardous.

The CPCB had suggested restriction on import of plastic waste and proper management of hazardous waste. It was further suggested that local bodies should use plastic waste for road construction and energy recovery. The Tribunal directed CPCB to take further action for implementation of its recommendations on the issues of plastic waste management as well as restriction on import of plastic waste and furnish a further action taken report. The report of June 28, 2019 acknowledges that there is no proper mechanism for plastic waste management which was being dumped in open or burnt in brick kilns resulting in pollution.
NGT says mere issuance of directions cannot be interpreted as adequate action and cited the orders passed by the Tribunal in the past with respect to management of plastic waste. The NGT order asks for execution of directions and submission of a report before the next date of hearing, October 16, 2019.