Order of the National Green Tribunal regarding mining affecting groundwater in Bhiwani, Haryana, 31/05/2019
Order of the National Green Tribunal in the matter of Paani Foundation Vs State of Haryana & Others dated 31/05/2019 regarding mining by M/s Kayden Infra Engineering Private Limited, M/s ASD-RKC JV and M/s Associated Soapstone Distributing Co. Pvt. Ltd. in District Bhiwani, Haryana. According to the applicant, operation of mining leases is adversely affecting the ground water and the water ecology in the area. Mining is being done beyond permissible limit for the last four years. As per the Mining Plan, the mining is permissible only up to the level of 2 mtrs above the ground water table.

The NGT directs a factual and action taken report be furnished in the matter by the CPCB, Haryana State PCB, SEIAA, Haryana and the District Magistrate, Bhiwani within one month. The Joint Committee may examine whether the mining is being done as per the approved mining plan and the environmental safeguards required to be observed under the Environmental Clearance conditions and the conditions for Consent to Operate.