Order of the Supreme Court of India regarding physical possession of irrigation headworks at Ropar, Harike and Firozepur under BBMB, 12/04/2019
Order of the Supreme Court of India in the matter of The State of Rajasthan Vs State of Punjab & Others dated 12/04/2019 regarding physical possession of irrigation headworks at Ropar, Harike and Firozepur under Bhakra Beas Management Board (BBMB).
The main issue under consideration is whether the Government of India is under a mandatory obligation to take over the physical possession of the irrigation headworks, at Ropar, Harike and Firozepur and place the same under the physical control of Bhakra Beas Management Board for the administration, maintenance and operation of said irrigation headworks, and whether there is a corresponding legal obligation on the part of the State of Punjab to deliver possession of the above mentioned irrigation headworks to the Government of India? SC directs affidavits of evidence to be submitted within a period of three months.