
Order of the National Green Tribunal regarding air pollution in Bali Nagar, Delhi, 25/03/2019

  • 25/03/2019

Order of the National Green Tribunal in the matter of Residents of Bali Nagar Vs Govt. of NCT of Delhi dated 25/03/2019 regarding denting, painting and chemical work taking place in the area from Bali Nagar Red Light to Big Apple Chowk, Bali Nagar adversely affecting the health of infants and senior citizens by air and noise pollution. In the said activities, petrol and thinner is used emitting foul smell which also add to the PM2.5 level.

The NGT directs the Delhi Pollution Control Committee (DPCC) to look into the matter, take appropriate action in accordance with law and furnish a factual and action taken report.