Order of the National Green Tribunal regarding functioning of ETPs, CETPs, HRTs and other facilities at Bituja, Balotra and Jasol, Rajasthan, 06/03/2019
Order of the National Green Tribunal in the matter of Balotra Textile Hand Processors Association Vs Rajasthan State Pollution Control Board & Others dated 06/03/2019 regarding functioning of ETPs, CETPs, HRTs and other facilities at Bituja, Balotra and Jasol. A report was submitted before NGT which has pointed out the issues relating to adverse impact of industrial effluents and by consumption of river water, on health and agriculture.
It has noted that:
(a) The river Luni at Balotra is receiving industrial effluents and sewage as a result of which, it is not even fit for irrigation purpose.
(b) The installed Common Effluent Treatment Plants (CETPs) are not complying with the prescribed standards and the effluents are discharged into river Luni directly or indirectly.
(d) The individual members of CETPs are also noncomplaint.
NGT directs the state Government to deposit Rs. 30 Crores with CPCB within one month, as an interim measure, towards environment compensation till complete details on health effect and damages to the agriculture are received. Tribunal also directed the Secretary Health and Agriculture State of Rajasthan to submit reports in respect of the status on health of villagers and agriculture and the damages be assessed to these causes within one month.
The National Green Tribunal passed directions taking into consideration the suggestions given by the committee. Some of the directions are the following:
(a) Rejuvenation of river Luni by dredging/scrapping to remove hazardous industrial and sewage sludge.
(b) The Borewells which have been contaminated by industrial effluents or river water, should be remediated or alternatively, Treatment/Remediation System may be installed for them at the cost of the industries for public use and this action be co-ordinated by the Secretary of State Water Resources. This action be completed in 4 months.
(c) The industries in the area should not be allowed to operate till they setup required ETP/PETP and meet the prescribed norms.