Order of the National Green Tribunal regarding validity of EC for modernization of existing Unit-6 of Tata Power at Trombay Power Station, Chembur, Mumbai, 27/02/2019
Order of the National Green Tribunal in the matter of Ashok Kisan Khatri & Others Vs Tata Powers Company Ltd. Tromboy & Others dated 27/02/2019 regarding validity of Environmental Clearance (EC) dated 08.05.2014 for modernization of existing Unit-6 (500 MW) of M/s. Tata Power Company Ltd. at Trombay Thermal Power Station at Mahul Road, District Chembur, Mumbai. By change of fuel from LSHS/LSFO to imported Coal. The power station is located in Chembur area in Mumbai. The main point raised for consideration is that Chembur is highly polluted and densely populated area. It has been ranked as 46th most polluted industrial cluster by the Central Pollution Control Board. No carrying capacity or impact assessment has been carried out before permitting change from oil to imported coal.

NGT directs constitution of a three member Committee comprising of representatives of Central Pollution Control Board, (CPCB), IIT Kanpur and IIT Delhi to undertake scenario analysis and carrying capacity study of the area, having regard to the nature of modernisation proposed, location of the unit and impact of its activity on the recipient environment i.e. air, water and land. The Committee has to furnish its report within three months.