Order of the National Green Tribunal regarding contamination of water bodies at Bengaluru - Bellandur lake, Agara lake and Varthur lake, 06/12/2018
Order of the National Green Tribunal in the matter of Court on its own Motion Versus State of Karnataka & Others dated 06/12/2018 regarding contamination of water bodies at Bengaluru - Bellandur lake, Agara lake and Varthur lake on account of discharge of untreated sewage and other effluents from residential/commercial/industrial buildings.

National Green Tribunal directs that the recommendations of the Committee dated 31/05/2018 be carried out with a view to ensure that no polluted waste water is discharged into the water bodies and no solid waste is dumped therein. The encroachments from catchment areas must be removed. Karnataka SPCB in consultation with the CPCB should set up Real Time Water Quality Monitoring Systems in three lakes at appropriate locations to monitor parameters which are critical like Dissolved Oxygen, Ammonia and others. The online data must be displayed for information. The activities around the three lakes should also be monitored by using drones and satellite imageries. The State of Karnataka has been directed to transfer an amount of Rs. 500 crores for execution of the action plan within one month. The State of Karnataka will also deposit a sum of Rs. 50 crores by way of interim compensation for restoration of the environment with the CPCB.