Order of the Supreme Court of India regarding human elephant conflicts in India, 04/12/2018
Order of the Supreme Court of India in the matter of Prerna Singh Bindra & Others Vs Union of India & Others dated 04/12/2018 regarding human elephant conflicts in India. Counsel for the State of West Bengal informs the Court that the State of West Bengal will consult the Wildlife Institute of India for advice on the use of commonly used repellent methods as well as new repellent methods and deterrent methods mentioned in the Guidelines (Guidelines for Management of Human Elephant Conflicts) for the purpose of reducing, if not, eliminating human elephant conflicts. Further no spikes of any kind will be used.

A High Level Committee will be constituted to look into the issues related to monitoring and implementation of various guidelines, decisions, directions and instructions issued by the Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change and compliance of directions given by the Courts from time to time.