Strategic approach to capacity development for implementation of the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction: a vision of risk-informed sustainable development by 2030
This Strategic Approach to Capacity Development for Implementation of the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction seeks to establish among all stakeholders a common understanding of capacity development within the disaster risk reduction (DRR) context. By characterizing outstanding capacity development needs in light of common obstacles and constraints, presenting key principles, elements, and actions that together help guide planning discussions, providing targets and ideals, and normalizing practice across sectors, improvement of practical standards will occur. This Strategic Approach is a resource of empowerment for all relevant capacity development partners and stakeholders, and its goal - A Vision of Risk-Informed Sustainable Development by 2030. It provides generalized advice on the capacity development roles and responsibilities of various DRR stakeholders, and high-level guidance in six critical areas of need. Developing and Strengthening DRR Fundamentals; Institutionalizing DRR Capacity Sharing; Using Risk Information Before and After Disasters; Establishing Collaborative Action for DRR at the National and Local Levels; Strengthening External Support Mechanisms; and Advancing and Expanding DRR Capabilities.