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  • 14/05/2005

natural gas / argentina

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A rgentina has embarked upon a unique energy conservation programme to make 4.1 million people decrease their natural gas consumption by five to 10 per cent. The scheme to enforce the "rational use' of natural gas gives a clear incentive, a government spokesperson said: "No rates increase but consumption savings in exchange.'

"There's no energy crisis; under no circumstances will homes be left without gas. It's a plan to consume a more rational manner,' he added. The plan came into force from April 15, 2005 and will continue till September 30, 2005. It takes a 2003 bimestrial consumption and temperature graphic as reference point to make 2005 consumption comparisons. The consumers are divided into three groups: using below 500 cubic metres (m 3) gas annually, using between 500 and 1,000 3 and using above 1,000 m 3.

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