
Scaling up climate action to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals

UNDP launched the 2nd edition of its flagship report on climate change, this time focusing on the impact of climate change on development gains. Specifically, the report, ‘UNDP and Climate Change: Scaling up Climate Action to Achieve the SDGs’ looks at how local efforts to mitigate and adapt to climate change empowers communities across a range of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), including education, healthcare, food security and gender empowerment. Showcasing UNDP’s rich climate portfolio and country examples, the report provides a compelling narrative on how action on climate change positively contributes to the achievement of the SDGs. Through vivid infographics, the report illustrates how UNDP’s nearly 800 climate change programmes – covering a US$2.8 billion portfolio across 140+ countries in five regions – are contributing to achievement of each and every one of the 17 SDGs.

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