
Question raised in Rajya Sabha on Clearance for diversion of forest land for coal mining, 14/12/2015

Question raised in Rajya Sabha on Clearance for diversion of forest land for coal mining, 14/12/2015. The Government of India grants prior approval under the Forest (Conservation) Act, 1980 to use forest land for the purpose for various development projects. During the period of last six years i.e. 2010-2015, the Central Government has received 237 proposals of mining seeking prior approval under the Forest (Conservation) Act, 1980 including proposals for coal mining. The Central Government, during the year 2010 has accorded approval over 12,681 ha of forest land in 94 cases, in 2011 over 8,207 ha in 68 cases, in 2012 over 3,866 ha in 30 cases, in 2013 over 8,451 ha in 42 cases, in 2014 over 13,043 ha in 58 cases and 4,889 ha in 35 cases during the year 2015 for mining including coal.