
Wisdom regurgitated

  • 30/10/2003

Wisdom regurgitated B y the looks of it, India is dipping into Vedic literature for more than just spiritual guidance. Experts want its message to be embodied in river cleaning schemes.

In its observations on the Ganga Action Plan, the Standing Committee on Science and Technology and Environment and Forests has called for the adoption of some of the methods suggested in the ancient literary text Brahmanda Purana . The scripture prohibits 13 actions to preserve the purity of the river. These include defecation, ablutions, discharge of wastewater, throwing of used floral offerings, rubbing of filth, body shampooing, frolicking, obscenity, discarding or cleaning of garments and swimming.

The committee, headed by member of parliament C Ramachandraiah, observed that the current status of the river cleaning programme made the possibility of meeting the target of cleaning all rivers by 2007 highly unlikely.