Organic agriculture and post-2015 development goals: building on the comparative advantage of poor farmers
This compendium is released on the target year of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). While there has been remarkable progress on the MDGs, such as halving the
population in extreme poverty 5 years ahead of schedule, much is still to be done to ensure meaningful change beyond 2015. Through this publication, a comprehensive assessment of organic agriculture reveals overarching themes of comparable yields with conventional farming which has significantly improved incomes, better health for farmers through chemical-free farming, and climate change mitigation and adaptation, building sustainable and resilient food production systems. Compelling empirical outcomes in the chapters as reported by the practitioners themselves show organic agriculture’s significant contributions to the achievement of the MDGs which are expected to continue beyond 2015. This brings inclusive agricultural development to rural communities, particularly marginal farmers, making them part of the solution to the achievement of sustainable development goals in the post-MDG era.