Oily nightmares
PEOPLE of three hamlets in Alathur village near Avadi in Tamil Nadu are fac- ing the hazards of severe pollution caused by brick-kilns using poor quality crude. Despite repeated appeals by vil- lagers. two kilns continue to use last grade crude and waste oil as fuel. The kilns had brought some benefits like kutchha roads when they started functioning four years ago. But now, the effects of blatant exploitation of the environment are beginning to show in Edapalayam and Mullangi- palayam hamlets.
A thin film of oil has covered all sources. This has seeped into ground water as well. Every well and pond in the area is polluted. Crops are affected by soot from the kilns. Rashes have developed on the skin of young and old. People dependent on fish and duck rearing have given up their occupations and turned casual labourers as their stocks have been wiped out.