Green cities
Asian cities need to change as they grow says this new ADB report and emphasises on "greening" of a number of urban infrastructure services such as urban transport, provision of water and sanitation services, waste management and energy sources for urban areas in the region.
Asia's cities have been the drivers of the economy and have lifted millions out of poverty. However, the environmental consequences of this rapid development are apparent, and the citizens of Asia’s urban areas are increasingly insistent that something should be done. And there is an investment deficit in Asian cities’ infrastructure spending, mostly in environmental infrastructure, of some $100 billion per annum. One purpose of this book is to direct the green agenda toward compact, multifunctional, and efficient urban areas. It focuses on "greening" of a number of urban infrastructure services such as urban transport, and provision of water and sanitation services, waste management, and energy sources for urban areas.
See Also
Opinion: Ponty, buses and PPPs.
Report: Asian green city index.
Report: Realizing the Asian century.
Report: State of Asian cities 2010/11.
Report: Managing Asian cities.
Report: Key indicators for Asia 2012.
Report: Sustainable urban energy.
Report: Climate risks and adaptation...
Report: India's urban awakening.
Report: Inclusive cities.
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