

fruit juice: Break apart the thick rind of the kait fruit and then scoop out the pulp; mix the pulp with double the amount of water; filter out the seeds and then sweeten the liquid with candy sugar according to taste. Garnish with coriander leaves.

chutney: After scooping out the pulp (similar to the juice) of two ripe kait fruits, freeze it for a few hours; take a little bit of grated ginger, coriander leaves, four green chillies and four pods of garlic and grind them together with a pestle and make a fine paste; add salt according to taste and then the frozen pulp. The chutney is ready.

jelly: Mix the pulp in a little bit of water and then filter out the seeds. Combine the concoction with an equal amount of sugar; cook till the mixture thickens; flavour with mint leaves and then put it in the freezer for a few hours. No citric acid is needed additionally. The jelly sets by itself due to excess amount of pectin in the pulp.

churan: Take the pulp of a large kait fruit (about 100 grammes in weight), one teaspoon of salt, one teaspoon of red chilli powder and 100 grammes of grated gur; mash all the ingredients together with a pestle and store in a glass bottle for a week. The churan tastes exactly like the ones available in market.

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