

The United Nations Industrial Development Organisation (UNIDO) will introduce a scheme to bring about a common eco-labelling scheme for leather and leather products. At present, many developing countries have evolved and implemented their own eco-label schemes. But there is no uniformity in the standards. The programme co-ordinator for the regional programme office of UNIDO, A Sahasranamam has said that the scheme will be called International eco-label scheme for Leather. The criteria for obtaining the eco-label would be to keep the pollutant discharge within standards stipulated by the national legislation. The applicant must not process hides and skins of endangered species. The other criteria would be to not use internationally banned chemicals in the production and process of leather and the use of child labour.

The United Nations secretary-general Kofi Annan has welcomed the contribution of US $1 billion by media baron and vice-chairman of Time Warner Inc, Ted Turner to fund United Nations' humanitar an programmes around the world. However, a UN spokesperson has said that the contribution will not offset the US $1.5 billion that the US owes to the UN.

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