
Shadow meet

Shadow meet world trade observers are baffled over a 25-nation mini ministerial held in the shadow of the World Economic Forum (wef) meet at Davos, Switzerland.

An aura of secrecy surrounded the mini ministerial, held on January 27 and 28. It involved developed economies like the us, the eu, Japan and Australia, and leading developing countries like Brazil and India. The conclave is being seen as a threat to the multilateral nature of the 149-member World Trade Organization (wto); it is believed to set personal agendas rather than follow the trade body's motto. The media and the wto website were silent over the event.

"There is a chance that any decisions taken at this mini-ministerial could have been influenced by the presence of industry heavyweights in the ringside,' says Aftab Alam Khan of the Trade Justice campaign of the ngo , ActionAid.

Sources at the Union ministry of commerce and industry say the conclave was held primarily to decide the

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