
State and scandal

  • 30/08/2004

State and scandal Independent laboratory tests carried out in Hong Kong revealed genetically engineered (ge) seeds in packages of papaya seeds being sold by the department of agriculture's research station in the province of Khon Kaen. One of the fields at the research station has been ascertained as the source of the ge seeds. Greenpeace activists sealed off the ge papaya at the research station and demanded government intervention in the matter.

The recent revelation proves the futility of the ban imposed on field trials in 2001. The consequences of growing ge papaya in Thailand are serious. Not only is it the staple food, it is also grown everywhere. The agriculture department has filed property damage charges against Greenpeace South-east Asia, based in Bangkok. The department's chief Chakan Saengraksawong accused the the activists of disrupting a 10 year long government research.

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