Hard facts
National Family Health Survey (2005-06), Madhya Pradesh
Over 60 per cent of the total child population, about 33,000, are underweight and malnourished
About 40 per cent of them are stunted and 33 per cent wasted (extremely malnourished)
Infant mortality rate is 79 per 1,000 live births, the highest in the country, against the national average of 58
Under-five mortality rate is the highest among scheduled tribes, 96 per 1,000 live births
Only 23 per cent children in the state are registered in anganwadis, which means the state has been unable to reach most of the children suffering from malnutrition
About 75 per cent children below six years did not receive any supplementary food from the anganwadi centre in 12 months preceding the survey
Maternal mortality rate is 379 per 100,000 births
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