

  • 14/02/1999


Do you think environment is Important?
It is very important because the survival and quality of human life depends on how we handle am environment.

How will you link envirolmem with development?
The relationship between Human beings and the environment has been damaged and that is why there is a'Problem. This "i mean that the path of development that we choose has to be environmentally sustainable.

What role do you see for NGOs and local communities, the civil society and the goverinment?
NGOs, local communities, the civil society and the government can be partners. We have done this in our Raj iv Gandhi Mission for Watershed Management.

What is your relation with them?
I keep an open door.

Most CMs have failed due to the bureaucracy. Are you doing anything to prevent bureaucratic interventions?
Bureaucratic modes of delivery and development do not work People will have to be directly in charge. I am responsible for making people take over tasks that are carried out by bureaucracies, Bureaucracy needs orientation to,locus off output and to work with people.

How would you ensure that it works?
Bureaucracies must be used for their professional skills under a popular leadership. Technical skills are required and we have them in the bureaucracy. The main thing is to provide direction. In my state our slogan is Rajniti se Lokniti (power from politics to the people).

Are you taking any special initiatives to ensure a better environment?
Through our Rajiv Gandhi Watershed Development Mission, we are improving degraded land. We have just announced the formation of a State Biodiversity, Board to oversee the biodiversity treasure in Madhya Pradesh@ joint Forest Management and the implementation of the Bhuria Committee recommendations for decentralised management of natural resources are some of the other initiatives we have taken up in Madhya Pradesh.

Now seriously do you think politicians should work for environmentat protection?
Politicians have to work for the people. As people's lives are dependent on the environment, it is the pri' e duty of politicians to work towards environmental protection.

How Will you ensure that every politician in your state Is educated about environmental issues and works for it?
Beginning with grassroms political leaders, all politicians have to be taught that environment is important and it needs to be looked after. In Madhya Pradesh, we are now planning to create 'People's Water Reports' through panchayat leadership. This will be a problem-mapping exercise and will be used to sensitise elected leadership.

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