
Case history

  • 14/11/2002

In response to a writ petition filed by Faridabad-based journalist Subhash Sharma, the Punjab and Haryana High Court (HC) ordered a Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) inquiry in April 2001 into charges of illegal mining by the ruling politicians of Haryana.

One of the accused in the petition was state cooperative minister Kartar Singh Bhadana, the alleged illegal mining kingpin. The petition contended that Bhadana was carrying out illegal mining operations in the prohibited mining zone of Ishq Mandi in Ankhir and Anangpur villages of Faridabad.

The HC appointed advocate R S Bains as the local commissioner to visit Faridabad and submit a report. He found ample proof of Bhadana and some of his relatives being involved in illegal mining. In his report Bains stated: "Four out of five trucks had the KTC (Kartar Transport Company, named after Bhadana) logo prominently painted on them.' The villagers of Anangpur told Bains that this was akin to having a licence to operate unchallenged in the area. "The name of Bhadana generates instant fear in the area,' observed the advocate. "Local officials discouraged us (from investigating), saying those who dared to dissent had been buried alive in these mines,' Bains told Down To Earth.

The HC ordered a CBI probe into the matter which was meant to be completed within six months. But more than a year has elapsed, and the CBI report is nowhere in sight. The agency's investigating officials in Chandigarh refused to comment on the reason for the delay.

Subhash Sharma, meanwhile, says that he has been receiving constant threats from Faridabad superintendent of police R S Sharma, asking him not to cooperate with the CBI. On his part, R S Sharma denies this saying, "Why would we do such a thing?'

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