
Newsweek (New York)

  • Lights out

    The U.S. energy crisis goes far beyond California. Bush's new policy will cover summer gasoline, winter heating oil-and prospects that the national economy could be losing

  • The sunken icon of reform

    On March 15 a series of explosions racked the world's largest oil rig, 120 kilometres off the coast. On March 20, P36 sank, dragging with it the bodies of nine oil workers. In the end two more

  • The perils of abundance

    Brazil confronts a dire energy shortage and an abrupt end to a culture of carefree waste : a report.

  • The energy war within us

    If nothing else, George W. Bush's energy problem reminds us of one of the great paradoxes of American public opinion. By word, the Americans are ardent environmentalists. A CBS poll found that

  • Temptation at the pumps

    The fuel protests of the past two weeks have been largely about taxes. But if it's tough for Europeans to accpet high fuel taxes, it's toughest for Norwegians. Only the Saudis export more oil. Money

  • In nukes we trust

    Japanese in general are growing uneasy about nuclear power. In a poll released last February, 90 percent of the respondents said they were "anxious" about safety issues. But such concerns have done

  • The new war over oil

    Outrage at the gas pump is spilling over into U.S. presidential politics. Vice President Al Gore labeled oil prices a "national crisis" and urged President Clinton to tap the nation's 570 million

  • Outbreak in Uganda

    The Ebola outbreak brings a disturbing new twist. Scientists are now fairly certain the most recent outbreaks originated somewhere in the rain forests of Central and West Africa. The last major

  • Heart of darkness

    A controversial new book 'Darkness in El Dorado: How Scientists and Journalists Devastated the Amazon' charges that filmakers and anthropologists in the Amazon caused the slow genocide of the

  • Hunger in The Horn

    Famine, war and disease combine to threaten millions in Ethiopia : a

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