
Newsweek (New York)

  • A wider role for a cholesterol drug

    A drug used to treat people with coronary heart disease can also prevent illness in healthy people, according to a study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association. Researchers gave

  • New hope, old fears

    The drug tamoxifen is the first compound ever shown to reduce certain women's chances of developing breast cancer. But in some cases, the benefits of the drug may pale next to its dangers : a

  • Dirty secret

    Built to celebrate the first World Cup ever staged in Asia, the Yokohama complex is also a revealing case study in Japan's environmental denial. In 1999, a year after the stadium opened to the

  • Foot-and-mouth wars

    As foot-and-mouth disease rages through the countryside, thousands of British farmers are learning the hard way about the dangers of this highly contagious and fast acting disease. But deep in the

  • Loving pandas to death

    Wolong, home to about 10 per cent of all of China's pandas, is the largest of 33 reserves in the country and the most popular by far. The bears, which live only in China and were put on the

  • China's statistics are fishier than its oceans

    The hundred of so boats anchored in a fishing port of Penglai in China's Shandong province have seen better days. Their blue paint is chipped, their equipment rusty. A handful of fishermen brave the

  • Holiday massacre

    People in Baja (Mexico) have been barbecuing sea turtles for centuries. The eggs are a delicacy in Mexico and other parts of Latin America. But in Baja where the desert conditions make it difficult

  • The wasteland

    Right now the law forbids Russia to act the world's nuclear dumping ground, but the atomic ministry is pushing for a new one. With the potential to bring in billions of dollars, the duma is likely to

  • The rise of the only child

    Around the globe, birthrates are falling. Growing up without siblings is now the norm in some places. It's good for the planet. So why is everyone so worried? : a

  • W's green war

    Next Sunday is the 31st anniversary of Earth Day, but for the Bush Administration it is not likely to be a joyful occasion. Never mistaken for a green, Bush is being vilified as the most

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