
Outlook (New Delhi)

  • Do it with chillies

    Punukula was just another sleepy village in Andhra Pradesh's Khammam district till word spread about a quiet revolution taking place there. Now farmers from across the state are trooping in to see

  • All you can eat and more

    An army of creepy crawlies have invaded Mizoram. Caterpillars in hordes are feasting on standing rice crops, so mush so that the government has sounded a famine alert. Officials say the damage could

  • Watt's the good word

    Uttaranchal villagers learn to harness an existing resource to light up their lives. In Sahaspur, a tiny hamlet of five families about 30 km from Dehradun, the steady electric glow of tungsten is

  • The tree-top illusion

    The FSI's 'State of Forest Report 2001' says forest cover in India has increased by six per cent as per the lates assessment. However, this is still afar cry from the government's long-term target of

  • Wither report

    Drought is a 'boring' ritual for India, visiting thousands of villages, affecting the lives of many millions. In this election year too, the ritual is in full tilt. Village after village in

  • Gram Swaraj

    The tribak vilalge of Chandapur in Surat has decided it'll be free of the state government. Ar a gram sabha last week, Chandapurians resolved they owuld decide whent he sabha would be held and not

  • The death metal soup

    The Indian Institute for Environmental Medicine checked several branded and unbranded ayurvedic remedies for harmful metals. Several were present in dangerous

  • By the people, for the people

    The Rural Innovations Network (RIN), a Chennai-based non-profit organisation established in 2001, hunts down rural innovators and turns their efforts into marketable options. RIN was started by Paul

  • The immortal beast

    Plastic has become the modern world's most versatile man-made material. But it's also its worst environmental nightmare. The use of plastic has been roundly condemned the world over by

  • The Truth genie is out of the bottle

    The Centre for Science and Environment (CSE) stands vindicated in its campaign against the two cola giants. In August 2003, it made public its findings that 12 brands of Pepsi and Coca-Cola tested by

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