
Dawn (Pakistan)

  • Water crisis continues in Sukkur

    Water crisis in Sukkur entered 14th day on Fridday but no corrective measures have been taken by the taluka municipal administration, which is sparking anger among the people. With the advent of summer, people of Sukkur have to face dual problem of power loadshedding and acute shortage of water. Residents of Gharibabad, Clock Tower, Neem-ki-Charhi, Minara Road, Queens Road, Shahi Bazaar, Sarafa Bazaar, New Pind, New Goth and Old Sukkur are the worst sufferers.

  • Programme for hepatitis control to be resuscitated

    The federal health ministry is working on a plan to revive the faltering Prime Minister's National Programme for the Control and Prevention of Hepatitis. "The programme is being revised to improve the impact of the Rs2.5 billion scheme,' federal health secretary Khushnood Lashari said on Friday. The findings of a research of the Pakistan Medical and Dental Research Council on the prevalence of Hepatitis B and C, which are likely to be released later this month, would form the basis of the revised strategy.

  • DHA gets Sepa notice over beach project

    The Sindh Environmental Protection Agency has told the Defence Housing Authority that certain activities undertaken by private developers that are part of its waterfront development project are in violation of government rules and should, therefore, be stopped immediately.

  • Water crisis continues in Sukkur

    Water crisis in Sukkur entered 14th day on Fridday but no corrective measures have been taken by the taluka municipal administration, which is sparking anger among the people. With the advent of summer, people of Sukkur have to face dual problem of power loadshedding and acute shortage of water. Residents of Gharibabad, Clock Tower, Neem-ki-Charhi, Minara Road, Queens Road, Shahi Bazaar, Sarafa Bazaar, New Pind, New Goth and Old Sukkur are the worst sufferers.

  • Polio vaccination at toll plazas being planned

    The National Highways and Motorway Police (NH&MP) will facilitate district polio teams in the administration of Oral Polio Vaccine (OPV) to the children travelling on intercity routes at toll plazas within their jurisdictions across the country on national and sub-national immunisation days.

  • Karachi mass transit system to be revived

    The federal government decided on Thursday to revive the Karachi Circular Railway (KCR) project and make it a modern commuter system by 2011. The decision was taken at a high-level meeting which was presided over by Minister for Railways Sardar Mahtab Ahmed Khan. A spokesman for the ministry said that the Karachi Urban Transport Corporation (KUTC) would be the implementing agency for the project to be undertaken with the assistance of the Japanese government, which had agreed to provide a soft loan of $872 million.

  • Gastroenteritis strikes Nawabshah

    With the onset of summer and rise in mercury gastroenteritis has again struck the areas, which lack access to clean drinking water, with more than 100 patients reporting at the Nawabshah Medical College Hospital (NMCH) and other health centres during last 24 hours. On an average, 40-50 gastroenteritis patients report daily at the NMCH for a couple of days. A gastroenteritis patient complains of vomiting and diarrhoea or cramps.

  • Canal water only for fat cats'

    The Muzaffargarh canal which had been closed for farmers for the last six months, is supplying water to the lands of bureaucrats and former military officials. This canal irrigates 0.8 million acre land, but it had been closed in Rabi season owing to construction of its banks and stone ditching as a result wheat crops were irrigated through peter engine and tubewells.

  • Water shortage termed artificial

    The Sindh Water Committee has expressed concern over acute shortage of water in Sindh and said the shortage is artificial and being used to victimise the province and destroy its economy and agriculture sector. The committee, which met here on Wednesday, demanded that the government immediately close the Chashma-Jehlum link canal, ensure supply of water to Sindh and appoint an international tribunal to solve water controversy between Sindh and Punjab.

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