
Statesman (Kolkata)

  • Electricity now

    Gosaba (Pathankhali island), 1 Feb: The villagers of Pathankhali island finally got electricity today. The Sunderban development minister Mr Kanti Ganguly inaugurated the programme. The estimated cost of the project of providing electricity to the village is Rs 22 crore. Work is underway to provide electricity to the 12 gram panchayats in Gosaba.

  • Power situation will be better this summer, promises CESC

    KOLKATA, 10 FEB: The CESC today indicated that despite the rise in demand over the past one year, the power situation in Kolkata will be better this summer.

  • Panchayat move to destroy trees

    : Ignoring the state finance minister's suggestion to increase state forest coverage to 33 per cent from the existing 27 per cent earlier this month, a CPI-M-run Bural gram panchayat in Sabang block in Midnapore West has aimed to increase their revenue by felling trees reared by a group of tree-huggers. Mr Asim Dasgupta, the state finance minister, had made this suggestion while discussing the environmental impact of degrading trees at a function in Kolkata.

  • Search for spotted deer on

    KRISHNAGAR, Feb. 12: At a time when the critically endangered White-rumped Vulture Gyps, who were once a common sight in West Bengal, have indeed made a self-styled effort to be re-colonised in the Banguria forest near Bethuadahari Wildlife Sanctuary (BWS) in Nadia, hectic preparations are on to catch the spotted deer inside the sanctuary for its census after a long gap of seven years.

  • Bengal lifts poultry ban

    KOLKATA, Feb 12- The state government today decided to lift from tomorrow the ban on trading and transportation of chicken and eggs imposed on 5 February, except in the 48 blocks and five municipalities where the avian flu had broken out. Poultry products would be allowed in and out of Murshidabad and Birbhum - the first to have been hit by the flu - only from authorised farms, though the ban would continue to be in force in 22 affected blocks in the two districts.

  • CU chosen for science network

    KOLKATA, Feb. 11: The department of Radiophysics and Electronics of Calcutta University will function as a networking centre of University Grant Commission (UGC) in Physical Science. The decision was taken at a meeting of the UGC held in New Delhi last week. UGC will provide Rs 5 crore in five years to set up the centre. The ministry of human resources development department (MHRD) had asked the UGC to set up 10 networking centres all over the country to carry out research work in physical science, chemical science, life science, material science and mathematical science.

  • Govt wants investors to pay for studies

    KOLKATA, Feb. 17: The state government plans to recover the huge costs of conducting feasibility studies in Nayachar Island from its potential investors. But the funds have to come from its own coffers for the time being. The proposed chemical hub would require extensive studies such as geographic mapping, geological and geophysical as well as oceanographic studies and environment impact assessment to get clearance.

  • World View

    Reputed political and economic commentator, the Paris-born Erik Orsenna will visit Kolkata on 20 February to lecture on "Issues related to water supply and allied aspects' at the Indian Chamber of Commerce. The author of numerous essays and novels, a famous one being Voyage aux pays du coton petit pr

  • Compensation for farm owners stopped

    Worried over rampant trading of chickens in the bird flu affected blocks in the state, the state animal resources department has asked the authorities of all districts to stop the payment of compensation to the backyard poultry owners who are still involved in trading of chickens.

  • De lends support to solid waste disposal project

    BANKURA: The district town woke up to a different scene today as it witnessed state school education minister, Mr Partha De, knocking door-to-door to help extend a scientific mode of garbage collection. The minister distributed pots to be used for segregation of solid waste at source at his own constituency today. The Bankura municipality, as part of the Centre's Integrated Small & Medium Township Development Programme finally started working on solid waste management. The venture was flagged off by Mr De. The pilot project was launched in Pratapbagan locality in Ward 11. "The locals should wake up with the most scientific mode of solid waste disposal. The biodegradable and non-degradable garbage should be segregated at source. This is the most modern concept accepted globally,' Mr De said. The Bankura municipality has initially launched the project in Ward 11. The self help groups are being engaged to help collection and transportation of the waste from door-to-door. The waste articles are to be transported to the trenching ground in Kesra locality in the outskirts of the town.

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