कार की टक्कर से सुनीता नारायण घायल
नई दिल्ली (एसएनबी)। सेंटर फार साइंस एंड एनवायरमेंट की मुखिया प्रख्यात पर्यावरणविद् सुनीता नारायण को रविवार को अज्ञात कार चालक ने टक्कर मार दी, जिससे वह गंभीर रूप घायल हो गई। जानकारी के अनुसार घटना शाम
नई दिल्ली (एसएनबी)। सेंटर फार साइंस एंड एनवायरमेंट की मुखिया प्रख्यात पर्यावरणविद् सुनीता नारायण को रविवार को अज्ञात कार चालक ने टक्कर मार दी, जिससे वह गंभीर रूप घायल हो गई। जानकारी के अनुसार घटना शाम
Chief Minister of Uttaranchal Narayan Dutt Tiwari has announced states health and population policy. He said villagers in rural areas should be provided health
Recent developments in medical research bring a lot of hopes towards eradication of leprosy from all over India. In earlier times, leprosy was recognised as a chronic bacterial disease of the skin,
In order to come out of economic crisis the Wildlife Department of West Bengal has thought of selling off elephant calfs. The department will make a profit of about five lakhs on sale of each
The 'Harit Abhiyan' started to increase the forest area through Social Forestry in Uttar Pradesh has not been a success due to bad weather and drought. According to Chief Forest Conservationist, RC
In order to control the population of Neelgai, the Uttar Pradesh government is issuing licenses of weapons to the farmers so that they can be killed. The increasing population of Neelgais is becoming
The water level in Sabarmati river flowing through Ahmedabad is decreasing. And the fishes are dying due to water
Despite of government and non-government efforts, there is steep rise in number of children affected with polio. The number of children affected with polio has increased five times as compared to
Four industries in Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh, running against the rules in residential area, and causing pollution, have been sealed by the magistrate after inspection by the officers of the Pollution
In order to control population the Rajasthan government has decided to give promotion and jobs to the newcomers only if they do not have more than 2 children. Andhra Pradesh which is known to do good
Researchers at India's Central Salt and Marine Chemicals Research Institute at Bhavnagar in Western Indian state of Gujarat have produced salt from a vegetable plant. "This is the first time salt has