

  • Nature's music

    Is there a person in the urban high castles who wouldn't like to hear the sounds of jungle birds piped in through his cable? A sonic expert, S Sivaprasad, has made this possible. His recordings of

  • Beckoning birds

    All of us at some time or the other ha wondered what it would be like to hear the sounds of our favourite jungle birds sitting at home. But one need not wonder any longer because S Sivaprasad


    The South African government is minting money - by selling ostriches. It is now reported to be the biggest ostrich goods producer in the world; and business is booming. The country

  • CMS

    One for the birds: Meeting recently under the auspices of the Convention on Migratory Species (cms), representatives of over 60 nations signed an ambitious inter-governmental agreement -- aimed at

  • Pirates' clipped wings

    DNA fingerprinting will now turn the screws on illegal trade in birds in the uk. The Royal Society for the Protection of Birds and the British police have joined hands to bring the technique to

  • The day of the birdwatchers

    Even a simple avian head count could tell you about the health of India's wetlands

  • Flutter over quails

    Flutter over quails

    The Japanese quail is at the epicentre of a row between the agriculture ministry and the ministry of environment and forests (MEF). The quails were introduced in India during the '70s and were being

  • To the penguins` rescue

    To the penguins' rescue

    SOUTH African airforce personnel battled an Atlantic storm to fly in a helicopter and save penguins in Dassen Island, Cape Town, when they were endangered by oil from an old wreck. "This is certainly

  • On the move

    On the move

    Duck rearing in India has come a long way. From a small time activity, it has evolved to one in which entire flocks are transported across states to freshly harvested paddy fields. This is symbiosis at its most benevolent. The ducks pay the fields bac

  • Birdbrains combat birdhits

    Birdbrains combat birdhits

    AFTER months of dithering, the ministry of environment and forests (MEF) has shot down the proposal of the National Airports Authority (NAA) to deploy falcons to curb the bird menace around airports

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