A vision for clean cooking access for all
Nearly one in three people, the vast majority of them in the poorest regions of the world, still lack access to clean cooking facilities, with major ramifications for public health, local environments
Nearly one in three people, the vast majority of them in the poorest regions of the world, still lack access to clean cooking facilities, with major ramifications for public health, local environments
This paper presents an overview of current household energy trends in Africa, and the reasons why access to modern cooking facilities remains so low. It then presents the latest evidence on the health,
<p><img alt="" src="http://www.indiaenvironmentportal.org.in/media/iep/homepage/rural_energy.jpg" style="width: 320px; height: 211px; margin: 14px; float: left;" />Only a fifth of rural households in India
Of the 3.3 million premature deaths worldwide in 2010 caused by outdoor air pollution, about 0.65 million deaths took place in India. These deaths were in adults older than 30 years and children younger
In 2015, global leaders aspire to adopt the Sustainable Development Goals, a financing framework to support them, and a framework agreement on climate change. Youth engagement throughout the design and
<p>Existing carbon offset protocols for improved cookstoves do not require emissions testing. They are based only on estimated reductions in the use of non-renewable biomass generated by a given stove,
This paper provides field experiment–based evidence on the potential additional forest carbon sequestration that cleaner and more fuel-efficient cookstoves might generate. The paper focuses on the Mirt
A joint working paper from the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) and the Copenhagen Centre on Energy Efficiency (C2E2) illuminates crucial synergies that can help to ensure a sustainable global
Access to modern energy is vital for sustainable development. In rural areas, decentralized energy solutions may play a significant role in reducing poverty, supporting community institutions and facilitating
This report compares the approach to cookstoves of SNV, the Netherlands Development Organisation, with evidence from the sector about how interventions can lead to market transformation. Case studies of
With data from the nearly 6,000 households in the Nepal Living Standards Survey of 2010–11, this paper finds that the mean reduction in household firewood collection associated with use of a biogas plant