
Water Supply

  • Healthy employment

    Trade unionists and environment experts from around the world have agreed that environmental rights such as access to clean water, health care and energy be made part of workers rights.<br><br> The decision was taken during a conference on labour and environment organised by the United Nations Environment Programme in Nairobi from January 15-17, 2006.<br>

  • Mandatory reforms

    Mandatory reforms

    <font face=arial size=3 color=#CE181E><b>&#149;</b></font> Adopting modern accrual-based double entry accounting system with e-governance features such as GIS and MIS<br> <br> <font face=arial size=3 color=#CE181E><b>&#149;</b></font> Reform of property tax with GIS<br>

  • Bad planning

    Bad planning

    <script language='javascript'> function table() { var popurl="files/images/20060831/30-table.jpg","","width=450,height=350,scrollbars=yes") } </script> In a tearing hurry, the <font class="UCASE">jnnurm</font> directorate has cleared over 23 infrastructure projects worth Rs 86,482.95 crore to meet the March 31 deadline.

  • Hyderabad blues

    Hyderabad blues

    Hyderabad has submitted a wish list worth Rs 20,017 crore to MoUD, under JNNURM. The ministry's central sanctioning and monitoring committee has approved Rs 379 crore and released Rs 33.22 crore as the first instalment.<br>

  • Dhaka Wasa starts work on supply line rehab project

    The Dhaka Water Supply and Sewerage Authority have started primary works of its mega water supply line rehabilitation project involving Tk 1,450 crore. The ADB-funded project, titled

  • Water Commission fails to secure agreement

    The Central Water Commission failed to secure an agreement between Delhi and Haryana over sharing of water and power from the Renuka Dam at meeting here on Monday. With Delhi refusing to give in to Haryana's demands and depart from the agreement signed in 1994 on sharing of water and power, the matter is now likely to be referred to the Planning Commission for a resolution. Haryana's demand for a share from the water and power that will be generated once the Renuka Dam is commissioned has struck a discordant note as Delhi has objected to the change in agreement.

  • Tank in trouble

    Bosga Tank, that supplied water to the entire city of Gulbarga for over five decades, is now in a pathetic state. It is about time the tank was revived, writes Chandrahas Kotekar. Every living being on earth requires water, air and light. Without these, there is no life. At the same time, a village's neglect towards its water bodies - rivers, tanks and wells - means an apathy towards progress.

  • Private firm to manage Kathmandu's water supply

    Kathmandu Valley Drinking Water Limited has officially taken over the responsibility of carrying out water supply works in Kathmandu Valley from Sunday. The responsibility to manage valley's water supply was given to the firm established as per the public-private partnership concept following pressures from the Asian Development Bank and other donors to the government to handover the water distribution responsibility in Kathmandu valley to an autonomous body. This was also the main precondition of the Melamchi Drinking Water Project.

  • World View

    Reputed political and economic commentator, the Paris-born Erik Orsenna will visit Kolkata on 20 February to lecture on "Issues related to water supply and allied aspects' at the Indian Chamber of Commerce. The author of numerous essays and novels, a famous one being Voyage aux pays du coton petit pr

  • Poor sanitation in schools cause spread of Hepatitis

    The Colombo Municipal Council (CMC) Chief Medical Officer, Dr. Pradeep Kariyawasam said yesterday the poor conditions of Colombo schools have contributed to the current outbreak of Hepatitis in the city. Dr. Kariyawasam said most of the small schools in the city lack basic sanitation facilities and the toilets were in very poor condition and lacked water supply. Some schools were found without proper drinking water facilities according to him. Schools have been subjected to inspection as it was found that the majority of the infected persons during the past two months were of school attending age. Accordingly there had been 39 cases of Hepatitis and all of them were reported to be school children. Dr. Kariyawasam explained the outbreak was reaching its peak level but was confident that it would be under control in a few weeks time. The CMC has carried out intensive house to house inspections and education programmes to prevent further spread of the disease. Thousands of leaflets have been distributed among the residents in Modera, Mahawatte, Mattakkuliya and Bloemendhal areas. Water samples were taken from the main lines and checked for germs and all were found to be negative. Dr. Kariyawasam explained the CMC has planned to carry out disinfection programmes in schools from today. All water supply points would undergo chlorination. "However, there has to be a long term plan to build proper toilet facilities and provide adequate water supply to these schools which are attended by children of marginalised families/communities in the city,' he said .

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