Order of the National Green Tribunal regarding lack of adequate steps for free passage of elephants in Assam, 16/05/2019
Order of the National Green Tribunal in the matter of Pradip Kumar Bhuyan & Others Vs Union of India & Others dated 16/05/2019 regarding lack of adequate steps for free passage of elephants in Assam. According to the applicant, railway tracks, national and state highways and transmission lines should be declared as elephant protection zones in the nature of ecological sensitive areas. Elephant deaths are taking place due to train accidents, electrocution and other human interventions which result in degradation of forest habitats.

The NGT rules that in view of the Central Monitoring Committee which has been constituted by the MoEF&CC to coordinate with the concerned elephant bearing States on issues relating to safety of elephants in elephant protection zones, any further surviving issue may be raised before the Committee and the Committee may look into the same in accordance with law.