
Hydro-Meteorological Data Dissemination Policy, 2018

In supersession of all previous guidelines/orders, Ministry of Water Resources, River Development & Ganga Rejuvenation (MoWR, RD&GR), Government of India hereby formulates this Hydro-Meteorological Data Dissemination Policy, 2018 for implementation by CWC & CGWB. Following hydrological data related to surface water are collected at CWC Hydrological Observation (HO) sites: River water level (Gauge, G); River discharge (Discharge, D); Sediment flow (Silt, S); and Water quality (Quality, Q). Besides hydrological observation, CWC also observes on some selected sites, selected meteorological parameters such as rainfall, maximum-minium temperature, humidity, pan-evaporation, solar radiation and wind velocity on some specific sites.