
Climate economics: the state of the art

Climate economics: the state of the art

Read this indepth review by Stockholm Environment Institute of new developments in climate economics and science since the Stern Review (2006) and the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change’s Fourth Assessment Report (2007).

Economic analysis has become increasingly central to the climate policy debate, but the models and assumptions of climate economics often lag far behind the latest developments in this fast-moving field. This report offers an in-depth review of new developments in climate economics and science since the Stern Review (2006) and the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change’s Fourth Assessment Report (2007), with more than 500 citations.

See Also

Report: The economics of climate change - the Stern review .

Report: Climate change 2007.

Report: Economics of climate adaptation

Opinion: How to rewrite Durban script.

Feature: Report card on climate change aid.

Report: Economic aspects of adaptation to climate change.

Report: Adaptation to climate change and economic growth.

Report: The economics of adaptation to climate change.

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