

UNITED NATIONS The UN has launched a four-year study to examine the damage to the Earth's environment and identifying ways to contain them. Some 1,500 scientists will undertake the study Millennium Ecosystem Assessment. "All the world's ecosystems will be studied to bring the world's best science to bear on the pressing choices we face in managing the global environment,' said Kofi Annan, UN secretary-general.

More that 10 million children die due to causes that can be easily prevented, despite the number of children dying of such reasons having been cut down to half in the last 10 years, states a report of the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF). The report Progress of Nations , reveals that programmes like immunisation, provision of nutritious food, removal of deficiency of vitamin A and iodine have been successful. Some of the things that need to be focused on in the future are: complete removal of malnutrition, reducing communicable diseases and providing safe drinking water and sanitation to everyone.

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